
Brené Brown’s “The Call to Courage”: Notes for Survivors

Best-selling author, TED-talker, Instagram star, and celebrity pal Brené Brown has a brand new special on Netflix. Titled The Call to Courage, it’s a 75-minute talk at UCLA’s Royce Hall, though the talk seems shorter because Brown is so engaging, a fine storyteller whose self-deprecating … Continue readingBrené Brown’s “The Call to Courage”: Notes for Survivors

The Hollower: Childhood Emotional Neglect and Its Effects

Here’s an irony for you: neglect is neglected. In discussions of childhood maltreatment, neglect hovers in the background, included categorically (“abuse and neglect”) but rarely the main focus despite being more prevalent than abuse and just as damaging.[1] The reasons aren’t hard to spot. First, … Continue readingThe Hollower: Childhood Emotional Neglect and Its Effects

Announcing the publication of Iron Legacy: Childhood Trauma and Adult Transformation!

Almost twenty years ago, the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study demonstrated conclusively that childhood trauma was widespread and implicated in a broad range of adult problems, from addiction to absenteeism to cancer. Neglected since Freud dismissed memories of childhood sexual abuse as fantasies, research into … Continue readingAnnouncing the publication of Iron Legacy: Childhood Trauma and Adult Transformation!