The Legacy Center

The Legacy Center was founded to help people deal with effects of childhood trauma. Its flagship service is a series of workshops that help clients identify, process, and discharge trauma. Focused and intense, yet safe and supportive, the workshops provide a useful adjunct to:

  •  one-on-one therapy of any kind,
  • a program of recovery from addiction,
  • a client’s independent search to understand how a painful past can disfigure the present.

The workshops are not designed for clients new to recovery but for clients with at least one year clean and sober from any addiction, whether chemical or behavioral.

The mission of The Legacy Center is to discover and address the roots of problematic feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Long committed to respect without judgment, we believe that a shame-free environment is essential for healing the effects of trauma. We believe that recovering addicts are not bad people who need to become good but wounded people who need to become well. We believe that all survivors of trauma, whatever their histories, deserve our compassion, as well as our help to develop compassion for themselves.

The Legacy Workshops

The Legacy Workshops are three intensive workshops that use a combination of innovative, evidence-based techniques.

Legacy I addresses childhood trauma; Workshop in March 26-29, 2025 – exact date to be determined. Contact

Legacy II takes on adult trauma; and The Couple’s Workshop seeks to resolve trauma affecting people in relationship, thereby strengthening communication and emotional intimacy. For trauma suffered through age 17, Legacy I is appropriate. Legacy II covers trauma from age 18 onward. The Couple’s Workshop deals with trauma at all ages. Each workshop takes 3-4 days, depending on enrollment. Workshops are conducted regularly by Donna Bevan-Lee with assistance from John Burgess, and we expect to offer several in 2020. Stay tuned for dates.