About Donna Bevan-Lee, Ph.D.
I began my professional life specializing in mental health issues specific to women, founding an organization dedicated to helping victims of sexual assault. Before long, however, my principal focus shifted to trauma, which affects men and women equally. As a pioneer in the treatment of childhood trauma, I helped develop a workshop for adult survivors, versions of which have been running for more than thirty years and have helped thousands of survivors. My own Legacy Workshop is one of those versions. I have also been in private practice for almost forty years, most of them in western Washington, where I live with my wife.
As you may infer from the photographs on this site, I am an avid hiker who loves climbing mountains. Growing up in Utah, I used to trail my long-legged grandfather as he retrieved weather data from mountainside stations. He made no allowances for a child’s pace, so I developed the fast, sure gait of a mountain goat so that I’d be sure of his welcome. I never lost that gait, which has taken me to the top of some of the world’s most beautiful mountains, including Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro and, just this summer, California’s Mount Whitney, where I’m standing in the photo at the top of my blog. The other photos were taken on the small-but lovely Cougar Mountain near my home in Issaquah.
Below you’ll find an abbreviated resume.
Experience (selected)
Private Practice Psychotherapist, 1982 – present
Issaquah, WA
Offering treatment, consultation and education in all addictions, domestic violence, sexual assault, incest, child abuse, co-dependency, gay/lesbian/transgender issues and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Hypnotherapy and EMDR Level 1 and Level 2 certification.
Consultant, The Meadows, 1979 – present
Wickenburg, AZ
Assistance in program development and ongoing evaluation.
Consultant, World Health Organization, 2004 – present
Geneva, Switzerland
Case evaluation in areas of child abuse, domestic violence, mental health and addiction.
Participation in HIV/AIDS and Violence Against Women projects.
Practicum Supervisor, 2004-present
Antioch University
Seattle, WA
Crisis Intervention Responder for Critical Incidents, 2003-2006
Crisis Care Network and International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Ellicott City, MD
Guest Lecturer, 2003-2005
University of Washington Graduate School of Social Work
Seattle, WA
Co-Chair, Seattle Commission for Gay, Lesbian and Transgender People, 1991-1993
Created and facilitated an anti-homophobia program for the city of Seattle and for the Washington State Police Academy.
Practicum Supervisor, 1991-1993
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Doctorate in Human Science, 2000
International University Graduate Studies
New York NY
Doctoral Studies, 1980-1986
Saybrook Institute
San Francisco, CA (now located in Oakland, CA)
Advanced to candidacy: 1986
Master of Social Work, 1975
Concentration: Clinical Social Work
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Bachelor of Arts, 1972
Major Psychology; Minor Sociology
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Recent Conferences
Keynote Speaker, 2010 – 2019
Codependents Anonymous Annual Conference
Seattle-Bellevue Area
Speaker, 2009, 2012, 2017
Sex and Love Addicts Women’s Retreat
Indianola, WA
Keynote Speaker, 2014, 2016
Sex Addicts Anonymous Annual Conference
Portland, OR